E-Smog balance

The finest e-smog balance!

Would you like to take advantage of the new wireless communication options without hesitation? Living, working, talking on the phone, surfing or on the go with a good feeling? The research results of the IFUR Institute show: The new Urfeld-Balance diamond products for the harmonization of subtle harmful effects through electrosmog (cell phone etc.) and geopathy (water veins etc.) offer solutions. They give you and your family a safe feeling when dealing with new technology.

The Urfeld-Balance diamond technology - a consequent new development based on the previous research results of the IFUR institute including pure natural diamond: A manageable number of easy-to-use products for all purposes - life is complicated enough! Unique not only in its effect, but also in its appearance - what works can also be beautiful! Partly from traditional, handcrafted production and always with a high proportion of handicraft and care, the products of the new generation delight not only our energy body, but also our senses - energy meets aesthetics.

With the Urfeld-Balance diamond products, you have a product series in your hands that is unequaled among comparable technologies not only in the German-speaking, but also in the Russian and Anglo-Saxon language areas.

"We offer products from W.Kühl, whom I have personally known and appreciate for years. Mr. Kühl is a tireless researcher. An electro-sensitive patient made us aware of the products (Urfeld Balance Chip). W.Kühl also builds natural harmony stations which we use in our therapy center. Thomas Zimpfer alternative practitioner
Tip for sensitive people: stick the Mobile Hand Chip on the grounding plug - harmonizes possible faults on the grounding line



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