Place the WLAN chip under the WLAN router or stick it with Tesa on the router (underside!)
(Attention picture shows mobile phone chip!) WLAN chip is similar however with imprint "WLAN")
For information:There are two different approaches to reducing the negative effects of electrosmog: physically ethereallyBoth approaches are important. Which one is chosen depends on the character of one's own world view: school-physical, conventional medicine quantum physicsPhysically reducing means: switching off, keeping a distance, shielding the various radiation loads through curtains, colors,using suitable building materials, cable connections instead of wireless connections, no WLAN, DECT, Bluetooth etc.Physically measured are physical fields, frequencies and radiations through suitable equipment, as used by construction biologistsand appropriately trained engineers.Reduce subtle means: to reduce, modulate or superimpose negative information in electrosmog or to strengthen the subtle"immune system" of living beings.Measuring subtle means: the effect of subtle information, building or damaging - such as electrosmog, e.g. through a mobile phone- to measure and pose on the human organism and to use for diagnosis and therapy.Physical measuring devices can not detect and measure subtle fields. Measuring instruments for subtle fields are not knownin the civil sector. However, the constructive or damaging effects of subtle information on the human body, or in general on living things (animals and plants) can be measured. There are at least 20 reliable device types in thousands of naturopathic practices in Germany that perform such daily measurements on their patients.Our products have been tested with such devices.The subtle correction of radiation is NOT recognized by the school science! There are no promises made in connectionwith the cell phone chip.