
Read customers experiences with earthing products !
We are happy about every report. We are happy to publish your experiences with Earthing® here!

Find out here what people experience using our Erdungsprodukte®:

    Grounding sheet, Earthing bed sheet
    Ground fitted sheets
    Grounding mats, earthing ceilings
    Grounding straps, Earthing patches

We have been offering Erdungsprodukte® in Germany and Europe since 2011 - we have many years of experience with Earthing products. Thousands of satisfied customers speak for themselves:


email 3. jan.2019

Dear Mr. Zimpfer,

I like to walk barefoot in summer and fall and sleep much better then.
The book "Earthing - Healing Earth" convinced me so much that since the end of October I have been sleeping on a grounding bedsheet.
I have much more energy, sleep less, think more clearly and hardly sleep during the day. Before I was often tired during the day and slept about 2 days a week during daytime. Since October twice during the day because of fatigue. I additionally use a cell phone chip of the IFUR Institute. Beeing a nurse I look after a young man at home. He has 15 electrical connections in his room - I feel much better there nowyour products.

I gave  agrounding-bed-cloth to my mother: She has no more leg cramps and nightmares at night!
An acquaintance with Restless Legs Syndrome tested the grounding bed cloth: He sleeps much better! After 2 weeks he called me: he got heavy legs in the morning when he got up and wants to remove the cloth temporarily to compare whether it has to do with the grounding pad.

I will provide the grounding bed sheet for testingvto other people for a few weeks. If they like it they you should order it from you.
In March as part of the Climate Spring Oberland 2019 I give a lecture on healing earthing where I mention earthing products. I put your website on my information sheet on earthing.

W. K. Germany



email from 6-8.208:

For about three weeks I sleep on the grounding sheet and have never slept so well before! Already at 04: 30h I get up relaxed and do not have this feeling of leaden Fatigue that almost hurts physically. I am convinced that it is the grounding sheet that makesmy sleep deep and absolutely restful.
In my office I use the grounding mat on the desk for grounding hands and forearms. I am working on 5 computer screens at the same time. Since using the grounding mat the overall fatigue and eye fatigue has diminished  drastically!
I ḿ not getting tired of recommending the products to my colleagues. A colleague made aware of grounding before and I 'm very grateful for it.

I wish you a nice summer and many greetings from Hessen

Karin S. "


by email 16.02.2018:

"Last 2 nights I slept 6 hours (did not slept so much for weeks), hot flashes are gone (at night as during the day), and hip pain right side is gone.
I am overjoyed! Thanks you for your good products! I will gladly recommend them. The pads are great as well - my husband has had much less pain in his hand for 2 days. "

K. P. from Germany

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